Our intensive therapy program is our primary focus as we know it is where your child will see the greatest changes in the shortest amount of time. The intensive program consists of 2, 45 minute sessions daily, five days a week. We offer between 1 – 3 week intensives. Children often make more than 6 months worth of progress in our intensives. We look forward to speaking with you to individualize your intensive and discuss how we can help your child can reach their highest potential.
How do I book an intensive?
Please submit our contact form, and we will reach out to you within 24 hours to share more about our program, and learn if your child is a good fit.
Is there a rest break in between session 1 and session 2 each day?
Yes, there is the option to schedule as a morning session, and an afternoon session. We are happy to work with you to plan the schedule that works best for your child and family.
What does an intensive consist of?
Intensives are a combination of DMI exercises and play based therapy, with use of modalities like whole body vibration, electrical stimulation, and use of compression garment. Intensives will challenge your child, and push them out of their comfort zone. Many children make almost a years worth of progress in a single intensive.
Is my child ready for an intensive?
We will meet your child exactly as they are. We will start within your child’s comfort zone, and slowly introduce new challenges to push them to their potential. Our goal is to create an environment where your child can learn new things with confidence, and learn to trust their body. Sometimes, being pushed out of their comfort zone comes with big feelings, and we will navigate those moments together.
Can I add any services to my intensive?
Yes! We have options to add a few OT sessions onto an intensive, depending on availability. We have options to add on music therapy to one or more sessions. Music therapy is meant to compliment our PT or OT goals, and the cueing/rhythm helps with processing in the limbic area of the brain to connect with motor areas.
Is there a weight limit for DMI exercises?
Yes, in order to ensure safe practices, we enforce a weight limit of 30 lbs if your child is not yet holding their weight up in supported standing.
Where do intensives take place?
Intensives are held in our clinic, at 10400 Eaton Place, Suite 211, Fairfax, VA.
Do I have to live locally to participate?
Nope! We frequently treat families from Northern Virginia, Maryland, Richmond, West Virginia, and beyond, who travel to Northern VA for the weeks of their intensive. We have partnered with a local hotel to offer discounted rates to our families that are traveling. Please reach out to us to inquire about this discount, if researching lodging options.
My baby experienced a birth injury and is experiencing developmental delays. How soon can my child begin DMI?
The sooner we can treat your child the sooner we can foster neuroplastic changes and avoid forming bad movement habits! Ideally DMI therapy would begin as young as 6 months old.
What is the ideal time to do an intensive?
We encourage taking part in a DMI intensive between 0- 3 years old, as the brain is most receptive to neuroplastic changes before the age of 3.
If I am traveling, where do I stay during my intensive?
Fairfax has many nearby hotels. There are many AirBnB options nearby as well. We are happy to provide some recommendations, should you be researching local stays.
Is it safe for my child with seizures, low vision, or a G-tube to participate in DMI?
Yes. Seizures, G-tubes, tracheostomies, and low vision are not contraindications to participation, but we will want to know about each of these so we can take proper precautions to ensure your child’s safety during therapy.
What are parents expected roles in the session? Are parents allowed to be in during sessions?
We do have an aide during all intensive sessions to guard, help keep your child engaged, and ensure safety while the clinician is doing the handling. We got the therapy part down so parents can relax! Parents typically are in during sessions, unless otherwise recommended by the therapist to be out of the room for the child’s participation. Sometimes we have parents help by holding up a toy, or have the child walk to the parent.
What happens after the intensive so that my child can continue making progress?
On the last day of your child’s intensive, we always give you a home exercise program with parent-friendly exercises to continue with the momentum of progress. We have parents practice the exercise, with feedback from the therapist in the moment, so that you feel comfortable to do these exercises when you get home. Certain DMI exercises are only to be completed by trained professionals, we are mindful to only provide exercises for home that parents can do safely.